Gesellschaft für Software mbh

Rotteckring 19
D-79341 Kenzingen
Tel. +49 7644 913016
Fax +49 7644 913018
EMail: <punctum@punctum.com>

Text Converter putrans

List of Supported Formats

The text converter putrans transforms documents from one text processing format into another, while maintaining most formatting attributes. The full version currently converts between the following formats:

Text Processor Input Output
as400 IBM Office Vision/400 Text * 
ascii PC ASCII text without attributes **
butler Philips Butler/Master * 
clou Siemens-Hit CLOU-Baustein * 
dcarft DCA-RFT for IBM DisplayWriter4/5 etc. **
dcf IBM DCF, Script/VS **
ebcdic IBM EBCDIC without attributes **
euroscript Euroscript à la carte, XYWrite **
hit Siemens Hit >= V4.0, 3.4 **
hit2 Siemens Hit V2.0 **
lex LEX (BACS) V9 **
msword Microsoft Word (DOS) >= V4.0 **
pcwrite PC-Write >= V2.71 **
prisma PRISMATEXT >= V4.0 * 
q1 Q1, Q-Office (Quadraton) * 
qa Q&A resp. F&A * 
rtf RTF: MS-Word, Works **
ta525 Triumph Adler SE 525 **
texass TEX-ASS resp. DATEV TEXT **
uniplex Uniplex II **
ventura Ventura Publisher * 
wang Wang VSDMS * 
wbasic WordBasic (MS-Word macros)  *
wmarc WordMARC Composer Plus >= V6.2.1 **
wperf WordPerfect >= V5.0 **
wordplus Wordplus, 1st Word (Atari) * 
wordstar WordStar >= V3.4 **


The software is installed by a simple copy from the distribution diskette to an empty directory on your harddisk. For MS-DOS this may (for example) be accomplished by the commands:

      mkdir \putrans
      cd \putrans
      copy a:*.*

For Unix you use a command like:

      tar xvf /dev/rfd0

The device name of the floppy disk drive may be different on your system. After copying you should make the program executable for Unix:

      chmod 111 putrans

and its directory should be a member of $PATH.

The sample files *.hit on the distribution diskette were transformed by putrans in *.dca. For a test of the installation you can repeat the conversion and compare the the results:

      putrans -hit -rtf gourmet.hit gourmet.rt2
      fc/b gourmet.rtf gourmet.rt2     (MS-DOS)
      cmp -l gourmet.rtf gourmet.rt2   (Unix)


The converter is activated with the following command:

    putrans  [-sourceformat [-targetformat]] [inputfile [outputfile]]
              -ascii         -ascii           CON/stdin  CON/stdout

The specifications in square brackets may be left out. In this case, the defaults of the 2nd line apply. The target format may also be specified behind the input file.

Die Formatkennungen werden mit einem Bindestrich angegeben und können abgekürzt werden, solange sie eindeutig bleiben, z.B. The format codes are specified with an initial hyphen, they may be abbreviated as long as they remain unique, for example -dca for DCA-RFT. The filenames may have a drive and/or path specification. Format codes and filenames can be written in any order as long as input specifications preceede output specifications.

Under Unix you have to write normal slashes '/' instead of the backslashes '\' in the following examples.

For the conversion of a Hit file into ASCII (PC character set) you call:

      putrans -hit bilanz bilanz.asc

From Uniplex to Hit you may use:

      putrans -uni -hit \usr\gfi\texts\manual.doc \usr\tmp\manual.hit

You may want to convert all Hit documents in a directory to RTF for MS-Word. On the MS-DOS prompt you write:

      mkdir temp
      for %x in (*.hit) do \putrans\putrans -hit -rtf %x temp\%x > nul
      ren temp\*.hit *.rtf

The title message of the program is suppressed in this case. Please note that you have to duplicate all % characters in the FOR command if you include the FOR command in a BATch file!

The activation for a CLOU conversion has a slightly different form:

      putrans -hit baustein.hit -wbasic makro.wba -clou -clou=2

A series of generated WordBasic files may be loaded automatically into the current template (NORMAL.DOT) by a macro which is included in the distribution.

Integration with Word For Windows

In the full version the converter may be installed in the converter menue of MS-Word. Only a single format is supported by a converter DLL in this case. After the installation you may open a foreign format document in MS-Word. The conversion will take place in the background without user interaction, and the converted text will be placed in the editing window. Likewise you may store the document in the foreign format with the "Save as, Options" menues. Please perform the following steps:

  1. Copy 3 files:
    copy a:putrans.dll c:\MS-Word
    copy a:putrans.par c:\windows
    copy a:putrans.msg c:\windows

    Please note that you may have to specifiy different paths for the MS-Word resp. Windows directory on your computer.

  2. Switch to the Windows installation directory, and add a line to the file WIN.INI (until MS-Word V2.0) or MS-Word6.INI (for V6.0):
    cd \windows
    edit win.ini resp.
    edit MS-Word6.ini

  3. The modification differs for MS-Word V1.1, MS-Word V2.0/V6.0. Starting with V2.0 you have to add the following line to the section [MSWord Text Converters]:
    Hit V4.0=Hit V4.0, C:\MS-Word\PUTRANS.DLL, hit

    TEX-ASS=TEX-ASS, C:\MS-Word\ptdatex.dll, tat

    You specify the code for the foreign text processing system, our converter DLL and the file extension which shall lead to the activation of the converter.

    Until V1.1 you specifiy the new converter in the section [Microsoft Word], and you have to correct the numbering:

    [Microsoft Word]
    CONVNUM=2 <--- current number of converters
    CONV1="Microsoft Word (DOS)" C:\MS-Word\CONV-WRD.DLL ^.DOC
    CONV2="Hit V4.0" C:\MS-Word\PUTRANS.DLL ^.HIT

    You may have to adapt the path for MS-Word again.

  4. For MS-Word 7.0 and upwards under Windows 95 resp. Windows NT we deliver a special Setup program which installs all files automatically, and which edits the neccessary IMPORT and EXPORT entries in the registry.

Parameter File

The converter can be parameterized for special purposes in a number of ways. The parameters are written one per line in the parameter file putrans.par. Alternatively or in addition you may specify parameters in the form "-name=value" on the command line.

Numerical parameters normally have 0 as default, while string parameters default to the empty string.

The following table lists all possible parameters. The last column indicates for which formats the parameter takes effect. (A = AS/400, H = Hit, T = TEX-ASS).                                                                               
name value description format(s)
fehl =0
no error message when .TAF file is missing
print error message when .TAF file is missing
komm =0
suppress functions which are not converted
generate comments for functions which are not converted
starting values for running numbering T
text parameters T
form =name name of the format file T
ersatz =pfad search .TAF in this directory T
breite =mm paper width in mm, default 210 H,T
translation of 1st field name
translation of 2nd field name
feld =0
remove field definitions
take DATEV TEXT field names
mappping of fonts H,T
font sizes for 10,12,15 cpi for font 0
same for font 1
same for font 2
same for font 3
bau =0
generate reference to include file
insert contents of include file
box =0
replace box characters by spaces
replace box characters by + - |
generate box characters for font "MS LineDraw"
ref =0
field references without "REF"
field references with "REF"
field references without "MERGEFIELD"
stop =0
replace stop codes by bookmarks
replace stop codes by empty bookmarks
vorz =text prefix for numerical field names, default 'U' T
zeile =0
floating text
generate hard line ends
align =0 ignore alignment in Hit ruler lines, default: 1 = do not ignore H
datum =dd.MM.yyyy format for print date H
clou =0
ignore CLOU commands
convert CLOU commands to hidden text
convert CLOU commands in WordBasic
fonts =C10,C12,LP mapping between Hit fonts and RTF fonts
(1st font <-> RTF font 1, 2nd <-> RTF font 2 etc.)
hitmark=32000 max. number of Hit markup lines to be output H
hitlin =32000 max. number of Hit ruler lines to be output H
hnzeil =0
floating text instead of Hit line endings
hard newlines instead of Hit line endings
paragraphs instead of Hit line endings
tabex =0
do not expand tab codes
expand tab codes to spaces
warn =10 width of the warning zone at right margin H

Error Message File

In addition the converter needs the file putrans.msg, which contains the error message texts in the specific national language. Both files must reside in the directory of putrans.exe.

Special Notes For MS-Word

The converter generates RTF and not the binary MS-Word .DOC format. The latter format changes with each version of MS-Word, and Microsoft recommends the use of RTF for external converters for this reason. The converters for WordPerfect, WordStar etc. distributed with MS-Word also have to go this way. RTF is fully compatible with the binary format, and all attributes of MS-Word can be represented in this format. RTF files often are much smaller than the binary equivalents, and they may easily be transferred by electronic mail.

MS-Word recognizes RTF automatically when opening a file. For writing, you must use the menues "Save As, Options, RTF".

If the DLL of the full version of putrans is integrated in MS-Word, the internal conversion also uses RTF, but this is invisible to the user. He directly selects the foreign format (e.g. Hit or Uniplex).

MS-Word can display the PC characters for single and double frames around boxes only via the special font MS LineDraw, and even then the character widths do not coincide with the Courier font. putrans translates those characters quite perfectly into DOS-Word for example, but if such a document is read into MS-Word, the right borders of the frames appear out of line. We recommend to delete the boxing characters altogether (with parameter box=0), and to recreate the frames manually with the table functions in MS-Word.

Demo Version

The demo version translates the characters

      p u n c t m P U N C T M 0 2 9

to spaces. All other properties of the software, especially the conversion of the formatting attributes, are the same as in the production version.

Additional Notes

The textconverter putrans is available for

The software is written in a very modular and portable standard C. On request we can easily port it to other systems.

Other Converters

Besides the text converter we offer many other converters for:

Database formats:
delimited, column oriented, dBase III, SDF, Tex-Ass *.IND and *.SEL, CSV, WP secondary file

Spreadsheet formats:

Postal codes:
punctum/P5 for DOS and Windows automatically checks locations and streets in German addresses, and converts the old 4 digit codes to 5 digits

Floppy Disk Formats:
our diskette converters read (and several cases also write) diskettes from
Bull Micral; Compugraphics; CP/M; CPT; Data General AOS; DEC VMS, RSX, RT11; EGSmini; Eritron; Hermes; Hewlett-Packard 200, 300, 64000; Honeywell-Bull; IBM /36, 3740, 6580, 6788; Intel ISIS II, iRMX; Nixdorf 8818, 8840; Olivetti ET351, ETS, ETV, Olitext, M20, Scriptum; Olympia ETX, Olytext 20/30; OS/9; Philips P3800, P5020; Robotron; Schneider JOYCE; SEL 3160; Siemens T4200, PGS, 5800; Telenorma CTOS; Thomson; Triumph Adler Bitsy, SE 525, SE 1041, VS 20, BSM 100; Unix cpio, tar; Wang OIS, VS Archiv; WordPlex;

Streamer Tapes:
AES, Nixdorf, Unix tar, Wang

We expand our product palette continuously, and we develop new converters on request.

Last modification: 18-May-2003
Please direct any questions or comments to: <punctum@punctum.com>, Dr. Georg Fischer.