Hildegard Hahn - Catalogs and Books

For expositions and other events I have designed, written or edited a number of catalogs and books.

The Thousandth Part and One

Catalog for my exposition

31 pages, 1994


Cicer, Portrait of a Landscape

Catalog for my expositions

Sala de Exposición la Granja
Feb. 21st - March 14th, 1997

Centro de Arte La Regenta
March 21st - April 21st, 1997

78 pages

The Tower of Babel

Book for my Expositions

214 pages
ISBN 84-605-9449-1,
50 Euro: Order by email

Cover Text

META - Objetos Collages
1992 - 1998

Catalog for the Exposition of
José Antonio Ortiz de Lanzagorta
in the Centro Insular de Cultura de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Concept, design and drawings: Hildegard Hahn
1997, 182 pages
ISBN 84-605-7468-7


for the "Servicio Insular de Cultura"

Design, 23 drawings, 34 photographs by Hildegard Hahn
1st edition, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1998
141 pages
ISBN 84-8103-198-4


Last modification: 7-Feb-2010
Please direct any questions or comments to: <punctum@punctum.com>, Dr. Georg Fischer.